Yes. A quality solar PV system is a really good purchase at the moment, as you can use your guaranteed savings your solar system generates, and completely pay off your system within 2 or so years. Your solar PV system will generate decent savings for at least 15-25 years (depending on conditions and upkeep of course), which well and truly produces a return on investment, and a substantial bit more!
The Australian government also provide an incentive to all households for installing a renewable energy source (a solar system). Every year, the amount of the incentive decreases, as Australia gets closer to its renewable energy targets. Therefore it is more ideal to invest in solar now, compared to this time next year. Depending on how big of a system you get, will determine how much your cash back or rebate is from the Australian Government. See more about this on our Government Incentives page.
Yes. The best thing about solar is that it is a completely renewable and sustainable energy source – as the sun’s energy will not disappear or diminish (or at least not in our lifetimes we hope!). It is not harmful to the planet and one solar PV system can last your household years. Solar is becoming more and more affordable, especially with the help from the Australian Government Incentives.
With a full ROI of only 2 years worth of power-bill savings away (for the majority of households), it is really a no-brainer! Solar can even help you save long after you have paid off your system!
With Geraldton Solar Force, you are not expected to be able to pay for the system upfront. We have great finance options and even 0% interest payment plans for residential solar systems.
There aren’t many physical reasons to make solar unsuitable, as each solar panel ystem is highly adaptable, and should be designed with each customer in mind.
There are a few instances though when the solar power system is not suitable for your home. These include:
- A southwest or south roof orientation. This is not the most desirable angle for attracting the most sunlight, as it is not very efficient.
- No space on roof due to chimneys, skylights, solar hot water etc.
- Your roof is made of asbestos.
- Your roofing is very old & flimsy / rusted that would break easily or have slate roof tilesMost of these reasons we can work around, such as providing a stand-alone solar system in a more efficient spot for sunlight than on your roof. For safety reasons, we can not install on asbestos roofing.
If you are unsure or have any enquiries, please contact us.
There aren’t many physical reasons to make solar unsuitable, as each solar panel system is highly adaptable, and should be designed with each customer in mind.
There are a few instances though when the solar power system is not suitable for your home. These include:
- A southwest or south roof orientation. This is not the most desirable angle for attracting the most sunlight, as it is not very efficient.
- No space on roof due to chimneys, skylights, solar hot water etc.
- Your roof is made of asbestos.
- Your roofing is very old & flimsy / rusted that would break easily or have slate roof tilesMost of these reasons we can work around, such as providing a stand-alone solar system in a more efficient spot for sunlight than on your roof. For safety reasons, we can not install on asbestos roofing.
If you are unsure or have any enquiries, please contact us.
There are many factors that contribute to a good quality solar system.
Things to check for are:
- Reputable distributor and installer.
- Quality brands of solar panels and inverters.
- Decent warranties on products and workmanship.
- A financially sound and stable distribution company.
- Look at reviews, especially if you haven’t heard of the brand before.
- Quality framing systems, and accredited installers.
- You get what you pay for. Very cheap solar systems usually have to cut costs somewhere, so research!!!It is very important to do your research when installing a solar system, and very important you choose a reputable brand of panels and inverters. There is a lot of industry jargon out there, so Geraldton Solar Force has made it easy, we only stock high-quality brands!
Once again, this depends on many factors.
A rough estimate of a 2 kid, 2 adult households can consume anywhere from 15-30kW a day. However, if you have more items that require a large amount of energy – e.g. a pool or a spa, split system air cons or multiples fridges/freezers etc this can be a lot higher.
To give you a guideline, a large active family with a pool and other energy-using products can use up to 60kW a day; yet the same amount of people who do not have a pool, are energy conscious (turn off things when not using them), and have energy-efficient appliances, can sometimes only use around 10kW a day.
If you would like to know your average, take a look at your latest power bill, it should be stated on there.
The average household electricity consumption can average between 15-60KWh a day. Ultimately it depends on how much energy all of your appliances/electronics require, and how often they are being used.
A family with 3 kids, 2 adults and a swimming pool are more likely to cost more than an elderly couple with a one-bedroom unit.
It depends!
If the average daily electricity consumption is 15-60Kwh, (let’s go with 30kwh a day for argument’s sake), you could be using more than 900KWh a month! Obviously, that can increase/decrease on individual circumstances, such as being a FIFO worker, holidays, visitors, sunnier days, colder days, home isolation – anything that can alter the change of your energy consumption.
Anywhere from 15KWh to 60KWh per day.
Solar Efficiency
Solar energy can only be produced from sunlight. Unfortunately, when the sun goes down at night, your solar system stops generating power, as there is no sunlight available. Once your solar system stops generating for the night, you switch back to the grid, where you are charged like every other power bill.
However, because your solar system produces so much during the day, and the extra units get pumped back into the grid, the feed-in tariff can often pay for what you use at night time, balancing it out. This depends on every households different consumption rate though. You might work in the evenings and use no power at night at all!
There is an option to use your solar-generated energy at night, with a battery, which stores excess energy to be used when needed.
Solar energy can only be produced from sunlight. Unfortunately, when the sun goes down at night, your solar system stops generating power, as there is no sunlight available. Once your solar system stops generating for the night, you switch back to the grid, where you are charged like every other power bill.
However, because your solar system produces so much during the day, and the extra units get pumped back into the grid, the feed-in tariff can often pay for what you use at night time, balancing it out. This depends on every households different consumption rate though. You might work in the evenings and use no power at night at all!
There is an option to use your solar-generated energy at night, with a battery, which stores excess energy to be used when needed.
Solar energy can still be produced on cloudy or rainy days. As solar runs off sunlight, not sunshine, your solar panel system will still function.
It is going to be more efficient at producing energy on sunnier days than cloudier days. As there is more sunlight, but a as long as there is still daylight outside, your solar panel system will still produce energy, just a lower amount of it.
Your solar system requires sunlight to produce energy. If there is no sun, as in it is completely dark (nighttime), your system will not produce anything.
Solar systems can still work on overcast/cloudy days, as they only require sunlight, not sunshine to produce energy.
Finance & Insurance
Unfortunately no. There are a lot of products that go into making a solar system, and some are quite difficult and costly to manufacture, not to mention installation and labour etc.
The Australian Government gives an incentive for all new systems installed, which drastically reduces the price of your solar system.
But if we are defining “free solar” as free solar energy, (from the sun). Then yes, once your system is installed, the energy you produce is free. A simple process that is saving Australian families thousands. Over time your solar system will save enough money to pay itself off. Often in Western Australia, this takes around 2-3 years, depending on which system you go with.
To get a quote now, please click here.
Different brands of solar panels, inverters and batteries cost different amounts. We have an extensive range of products available for everyone’s pricing budget. We also have great finance plans, that essentially use your savings, which you would have once used to pay your power bills, into paying off your solar. This is done over the first couple of years and the rest of the remaining lifespan is completely free.
To get a quote now please click here.
No! Well, very minimal costs if you choose to.
We only recommend you have a maintenance inspection every couple of years to make sure everything is working up to standard. If your panels are installed flat onto your roof, you will need to hose them down every couple of months, just to ensure they can work efficiently. If your panels are on a tilt with an angle of 10 degrees or greater, they will be somewhat-self cleaning!
To get a quote now, please click here.
Most home and business insurance companies will cover your new solar power system, they may just need to make updates. Geraldton Solar Force recommends that you call your insurance provider before installing solar, just to double-check, and notify them once it has been installed.
To get a quote now, please click here.
Prices vary due to different-sized solar panel systems, and different brands of products. The most expensive part to going completely off-grid, or completely solar-reliant, is the batteries.
Unfortunately, batteries are still quite expensive in the current market, and currently there is no governmental incentives to help fund this for residential homeowners.
Depending on what sized system you need, and how much energy you produce, you may need multiple batteries to assist your off-grid needs. Battery sizes in terms of storage amount is quite small, hence the need for multiple.
To get a quote now, please click here.
Solar panels are currently the most affordable they have been in years!
With the help of the government incentive and Geraldton Solar Force’s amazing relationships with suppliers, we can get you incredible pricing on solar panels, which we had not been able to offer until now.
There are a lot of quality brands (and rubbish brands – we stay clear of them though), so the vast competition makes pricing very competitive in this industry, which is great news for our customers!
To get a quote now, please click here.
The Process
Yes, we develop a solar system to suit each client’s individual needs. These developments/plans need to be signed off by an accredited solar system designer/installer.
Things such as roof space, optimum panel location, orientation and pitch of the roof, the structural soundness – if it supports the weight of panels and racks. The impact of shade, in all seasons and all time of day to the panels; ensure design meets building codes and electrical standards and many more. With Geraldton Solar Force, you don’t have to worry about any of this, we personalise your solar system just for you, and have a highly qualified team to install it and check this development plan.
All systems are designed and created by yourself and our solar expert to suit your individual household needs.
The following elements are considered when designing a solar system:
- The available roof space and optimum panel location to install the panels
- The orientation and pitch of the roof(s)
- Impact of shading across all seasons and time of day
- The structural soundness of the roof area to support the weight of panel and racking weight.
- Sizing the strings of panels for the correct voltage of the inverter.
- Ensure the design meets building codes and electrical standards.
- Determining the most suitable location for the inverter and the way the cables are run.
The price of a solar system can be affected by a number of variables including:
- Government-sponsored initiatives available and STC quantity
- Quality of panels, inverter and workmanship (huge differences)
- Number of panels needed
- Tilt and orientation of panels (if tilt frame is required for example)
- Type of inverter – string inverter or micro inverters
- System design and configuration
- Relocation of objects causing shading, like antennas, whirly birds, pool heating tubing
- Type and angle of roofing (for example, tile or tin)
- Height of roof such as single or multi-storey
- Site preparation needs (for example the condition of roof, slate-like concrete tiles that would require grinding space for brackets) Geraldton Solar Force is able to give you professional advice and pricing for your uniquely designed, and personalised solar system. Please contact us for more information.
No, you do not need to inform your electricity company that you are getting solar, as Geraldton Solar Force will do that for you when we lodge the application on your behalf.
It is very important to get a solar expert to come to your house especially to check over your roof. They need to make sure your roof is in a good condition for solar to be installed, and also allows them to see any obstacles they need to take into account.
It is also important to get a sense of roof orientation and your family’s energy habits, so we can choose the best products that will be best suited to your lifestyle.
Our solar experts come out to your home and give you a no-obligation quote. The roof check is simply to ensure your experience with Geraldton Solar Force can go as smoothly and as stress-free as possible!
Solar Panels
Choosing the best solar panels is tricky. There are many brands to choose from, but It depends on your roof space, your roof shape and orientation, what size system you need and of course, your budget. We’d always recommend using tier 1 solar panel brands, as they are higher quality and more reputable.
Geraldton Solar Force stocks many brands of solar panels, but ‘the best’ brand of solar panels, depends on the individual. Not all solar systems are the same, and we take that into account and build a system that is the best for you! You can contact us and we’d be happy to work out which solar panels are the best for you.
Arguably, the quality of your solar panels and the inverter are the most crucial factors in selecting a solar system. Over their 25-year output (average warranty period), solar panels will be subjected to more than 100,000 hours of harsh weather extremes such as – sunshine, intense heat and cold, wind, rain, hail and more.
More importantly, solar is an investment. Like any home investment decisions, you do not want to make a hasty decision on something your will be using for 25+ years – like a car for example (although that is a very long lifespan for a vehicle), you don’t pick the first off the lot, and you certainly don’t pick the cheapest for a reason – the same applies with solar.
With a good quality brand like Suntech for example, with proper installation and quality system checks, we can ensure you will get the most out of your system. To make things easier for you, we only offer quality brands, so you can ensure the best quality solar PV system when you install with Geraldton Solar Force.
The most common size solar panels for residential are 330w. This is a really good output and great efficiency for most residential homes and roofs. However there are some cases you may need a little more wattage, so we offer 415w panels as well. Your solar expert will be able to address all your questions, and help you identify what the most beneficial size panels for your household.
To get a quote for panels now, please click here.
A 6.6kW system is typically made up of anywhere between 16 and 19 solar panels. The number of panels you need for a 6.6kW system varies depending on how much roof space you have and what size panels are used.
Some examples of this are as follows;
– 350w panels = 19 (6.65kW total)
– 370w panels = 18 (6.6kW total)
– 390w panels = 17 (6.63kW total)
– 415w panels = 16 (6.64kW total)
For more information, please feel free to get in touch with us.
A 10kW system is typically made up of anywhere between 32 and 38 solar panels. The number of panels you need for a 10kW system varies depending on how much roof space you have and what size panels are used.
Some examples of this are as follows;
–350w panels = 38 (13.30kW total)
– 370w panels = 36 (13.32kW total)
– 390w panels = 34 (13.26kW total)
– 415w panels = 32 (13.28kW total)
For more information, please feel free to get in touch with us.
Shading, dirt and bird droppings are common on most solar panel systems from time to time. These can cover some of the cells on the panels, and make them less efficient in producing solar energy.
If your system is set up on a string inverter, this can seriously affect output, as all solar output travels to and from the same string inverter. However, if you have micro inverters on every panel, your system is less likely to be majorly affected, as it will just be one (or however many panels are covered in dirt etc) that will stop functioning as well.
Rain is not a significant method of cleaning solar panels, it leaves a film across the panels, that eventually will cause a build-up and minimise the efficiency.
It depends on what brand you have. Each different Solar Panel brand has a different length of warranty on its products. Most are between 12-15 years.
Don’t forget that Geraldton Solar Force also provides a 25-year workmanship warranty with all installations.
Every household is different. It depends on the size of your house, how many people live there, what appliances are used and what times of the day they are used. One solar panel produces about 1 kW/hr per day. working out what your daytime power usage is will give you a better idea of how many you need. It’s not really about how many panels you need, it’s more about what size system you need.
Solar panels vary in size too, from 1.5kw panels up to over 400kw, so that is also taken into consideration. A rough estimate of how many solar panels you will need based off the majority of households, so if you use 15 units/kWh during the day, you would need approx. 15 solar panels. To find out more contact our team for a quote!